Tuesday 8 July 2014

Standing Together - 2014 Representative Assembly

Each time that I am surrounded by association members, state and nationwide, I gain a deeper understanding of who we are and what we do. We are a powerful group of education professionals advocating for our students by fighting for what is right and empowering others. Each experience inspires me to share my story with other future educators and educate them on what we need to do while in college. It is so important that we are involved in the world of education, whether we have a classroom to call our own or whether that is a dream for the near future. We need to lead today – lead our students and lead our colleagues, because we are the leaders of tomorrow.

    As a delegate at the National Education Association’s annual Representative Assembly, I gained knowledge that I want to share and inspiration to share it statewide and nationally. As Student PSEA president, I feel prepared to bridge the various Pennsylvania chapters together through stories, action, and a united passion. I learned what a true democracy looks like in action; everyone has a voice and can speak up and be heard. I will utilize this knowledge as president, as I act as a servant leader to my members – I am here to serve them.  We will collaborate through statewide projects, be the voices of advocacy, and lead those we encounter. Together, the student members will have a voice and learn what a successful democracy can do for all.   

            As president, I vow to keep our student members up-to-date on what is going on in educational politics.  As a member of NEA, we believe it is time to end toxic testing, develop real accountability that prioritizes learning, and assure that our students are in encouraging environments in which every student thrives. Each new business item we voted on was in an effort to better our schools. It is an amazing feeling knowing how strong the NEA members are when they stand together. The highlight of this experience for me was hearing newly elected President Lily Eskelsen Garcia speak to the body. Her passion, drive, and vast knowledge were beyond inspiring. The audience was brought to tears at moments; I had chills during others. She is an example of using your heart to lead, to be powerful, and to make a difference in the world. Lily said, “We will never give up fighting for what's right but we will never be silent about what’s wrong.” As future educators, we are entering a profession that is under attack. Politicians and millionaires demoralize teachers, steal from our students, and lack a clear vision of the whole child. We must fight not only for our careers, but also for the children who are impacted. We must fight for tomorrow, today.

Posted by Lauren Williams, Student PSEA President