Tuesday 19 September 2017

Student PSEA: (Y)OUR Voice

“A union is like a family. It’s when a group of workers get together and try to make things better for themselves and their children.” –Bud, Not Buddy

           Whether you’re a freshman learning how to live on your own, a senior preparing to embark on a new chapter of your life, or somewhere in the middle, drowning in piles of lesson plans and reading assignments, we all can agree on one thing: college is hard. It challenges you mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, sometimes leaving you feeling tired, helpless, and isolated. For me, “home” quickly became a difficult concept. Not only am I living in a new town for the first time, but out of all four years I’ve been in college, I’ve lived in a different dorm room or apartment. Nothing has been the same. I quickly learned to find a home in the people around me, rather than the place. I quickly found a “home” in Student PSEA.

            My name is Marie Hutchings. I am a senior at Kutztown University, studying elementary and special education. I love to dance, hike, and sail, I get joy out of making people feel valued and loved, and I have a passion for advocating for what is right and just in the world. I am the 2017-18 Student PSEA president, and I am truly honored to have the opportunity to serve our 7,000 aspiring educators to the best of my abilities.

            Whether you’re new to Student PSEA or a veteran servant leader, I’d like to welcome you to a new year of memories, friendships, and making public schools great. If you’re thinking about becoming a member, but you aren’t sure if it’s right for you, I’m here to tell you: it is. We all want to be the best possible teachers we can be for our future students, and there is no better outlet to provide you that experience than Student PSEA. Don’t believe me? Just look at what a few of our extraordinary aspiring educators from across the state have to say about it:

“Student PSEA is important to me because our students are our future, and we need to begin to support and advocate for them now. Regardless of what our government chooses to do, we will always stand up and fight for what’s best for our students.”
–Anna George, Edinboro University

“To me, Student PSEA is an opportunity to not only connect and learn from future and current educators, it's an opportunity to learn how to stand up for what I believe in and get involved in my community.”  –Emily Ferguson, Bloomsburg University

“Student PSEA is an excellent way to gain professional experience in a welcoming and relaxed environment.”
–Kara McGloin, West Chester University

"Student PSEA is a welcoming community of future educators. We support each other as we prepare to be the best educators we can be. This includes professional development, community service, and political action. We want the best for our future careers and students."
–Kristin Naumann, Shippensburg University

“Student PSEA means being a part of something that is a whole lot bigger than you and learning how to help others, while also improving yourself as an educator.”
–Katie Flint, West Chester University

“I originally joined PSEA because I was just getting into the education field. I really loved the support I received and the creative environment I found through Student PSEA.” –Grace Fronheiser, Bloomsburg University

“Student PSEA is a way to improve things for the better of teaching, school systems, and children.”
–Nick Marcil, West Chester University
“I think that Student PSEA has given me a voice as an aspiring educator to advocate for my students, coworkers, and classmates. It has allowed me the opportunity to grow exponentially as an emergent professional and nurtured my passion for lifelong learning.”
–Krishawna Goins, Penn State University

            As the president of Student PSEA, I want to work with all of you to help make the future of public education great by cultivating a generation of leaders. As educators, we have the opportunity to shape the future of our country, which leaves us with the responsibility to take a stand against the intolerance and hate that is emerging in the world our students will grow up in. By being members of Student PSEA, we are a part of a collective force that can unify and bring positive change, if we all work together.
            As the leader of a member-driven organization, my voice is your voice, and your voice is our voice. It is not my duty to represent you, but to serve you, to give you the tools and resources you need to stand up beside me as we fight together to change the narrative of how our society views public education.

            So, if you’re a prospective member looking for your niche, don’t be afraid to get involved at your local chapter. And if you’re a returning member feeling inspired after last year’s conference, reach out to someone new at your school and invite them to come along to your next meeting. A true servant leader cultivates new leaders and ensures that the future of their organization is left in better hands than their own. Be that leader for someone else. Help them find a “home” in Student PSEA.

Student PSEA is your voice. Student PSEA is our voice. Get involved today, and help us make the world a better place, one classroom at a time.

“Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one? For the union makes us strong!”

In solidarity,

Marie Hutchings, Student PSEA President

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